A banana seller was selling fruit on the street. Many were buying bananas for him

A banana seller was selling fruit on the street. Many were buying bananas for him

Then a cow suddenly ran to the shop. All the people were scattered. The cow came close to the shop and started taking the banana buns. Everyone standing nearby started to attack the cow with stones and poles. The owner of the accommodations slapped and blocked all the people. He knocked down to beat up.

What sir do you eat fruits from your habit to tell me what you do not want to hit? He asked.

It's a sin, no jealous life, we are so furious that we work hard. We do not know how much it is.

What was the sin that was so sinful, how many days it would have been without a shell without a shell. Let's go and let it go.

What ahya say ... that cousin like this sapta asked you to lose. The answer he gave me was wonderful.

That elder said what is the great loss to come? Are you barging and trying to get the fruit that you are getting lucky .. will you lose that lump?

I told him to give me a gift that I can not give to my grandmother.

I read it


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